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Operating results (in RMB millions) 2024 H1 2023 H1 Change rate
Net interest income 313,950 336,987 -6.8%
Net fee and commission income 67,405 73,465 -8.2%
Operating income 401,999 428,906 -6.3%
Operating expenses 105,208 105,379 -0.2%
Impairment losses on assets 102,069 122,255 -16.5%
Operating profit 194,722 201,272 -3.3%
Profit before taxation 197,184 203,655 -3.2%
Net profit 171,296 174,720 -2.0%

Balance sheet items (in RMB millions) 2024 H1 2023 Change rate
Total assets 47,116,536 44,697,079 5.4%
Total loans and advances to customers 27,837,550 26,086,482 6.7%
Investment 12,988,922 11,849,668 9.6%
Total liabilities 43,252,035 40,920,491 5.7%
Due to customers 34,107,316 33,521,174 1.7%
Due to banks and other financial institutions 4,113,777 3,369,858 22.1%
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company 3,843,526 3,756,887 2.3%

Per share data (in RMB yuan) 2024 H1 2023 H1 Change
Basic earnings per share 0.47 0.48 -0.01
Diluted earnings per share 0.47 0.48 -0.01
Net asset value per share (in RMB yuan) (1) 9.79 9.55 0.24

Note: (1) Calculated by dividing equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company after deduction of other equity instruments at the end of the reporting period by the total number of ordinary shares at the end of the reporting period.