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Main Financial Index Financial summary over the years
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Profitability (%) 2024 H1 2023 H1 Change in basis points
Return on average total assets(1)* 0.75% 0.84% -0.09%
Return on weighted average equity(2)* 9.53% 10.51% -0.98%
Cost-to-income ratio 24.79% 23.29% 1.50%

Asset quality (%) 2024 H1 2023 Change in basis points
Non-performing loans (“NPLs”) ratio(3) 1.35% 1.36% -0.01%
Allowance to NPLs(4) 218.43% 213.97% 4.46%

Capital adequacy (%) 2024 H1 2023 Change in basis points
Common equity tier 1 capital adequacy ratio(5) 13.84% 13.72% 0.12%
Capital adequacy ratio(5) 19.16% 19.10% 0.06%

NOTE: * indicates annualised ratios.
(1) Calculated by dividing net profit by the average balance of total assets at the beginning and at the end of the reporting period.
(2) Calculated in accordance with the Rules for the Compilation and Submission of Information Disclosure by Companies that Offer Securities to the Public No. 9 – Calculation and Disclosure of Return on Net Assets and Earnings per Share (Revision 2010) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”).
(3) Calculated by dividing the balance of NPLs by total balance of loans and advances to customers.
(4) Calculated by dividing allowance for impairment losses on loans by total balance of NPLs.
(5)Calculated in accordance with the Regulation Governing Capital of Commercial Banks as at the end of June 2024. Calculated in accordance with the Regulation Governing Capital of Commercial Banks (Provisional) for the comparable periods of 2023 and 2022.