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Awards to ICBC in 2016

I. Overseas Awards

Award name
Awarded by
World's Best Emerging Markets Bank
Global Finance
Best Bank in China
Best Corporate Bank in China
Best Consumer Credit Card Program in China
Best Precious Metals Broker in China
Best Consumer Digital Bank in China
Best Corporate Digital Bank In China
Best Cash Manager in China
Best Precious Metal Trading Bank in China
Best Domestic Bank in China
Best Private Bank in China
Best Private Bank for Global Investment Exposure
Best Bank in China
Custodian Bank of the year in China
The Asian Banker
Best Mega Private Bank in China
The Best Asian International Cash Management Bank in Asia Pacific
The Best Cash Management Bank in China
Best Market Risk Management in China
The Asset Corporate Award — Platinum Award
The Asset
Best Private Bank in China
Best Domestic Bond House in China
Golden Award for Best RMB Internationalization Service (Greater China)
Institutional Investor
Precious Metal Trading Bank in China
Financial Times
Hong Kong Corporate Governance Excellence Award
The Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies
Most Influential Leader - Chairman Yi Huiman: Listed Companies
Ta Kung Wen Wei Media Group
Best Listed Company
Recognition of Performance Excellence 9th APCCAL Awards
Asia Pacific Contact Centre Association Leaders
Visa Cross-border Promotion
Visa Inc.
Visa Best Partner
Visa Risk Control
Visa Best Payment Innovation Award
Visa High-end Merchant Co-brand Card
Best Product Design Award - ICBC-Shangri-La Co-brand Card
MasterCard Worldwide
Award for Best Fraud Risk Control
Most Popular Product Award
Award for Best Foreign Card Merchant Development
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