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Unit: Share 

Name of shareholder Nature of shareholder Class of shares Increase/decrease of shares during the reporting period Number of shares held at the end of reporting period Shareholding percentage (%) Number of pledged/ locked-up/marked shares
Huijin(5) State-owned A Share - 124,004,660,940 34.79 None
MOF State-owned A Share - 110,984,806,678 31.14 None
HKSCC Nominees Limited(6) Foreign legal person H Share 16,626,137 86,160,746,743 24.17 Unknown
SSF(7) State-owned A Share - 12,331,645,186 3.46 None
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited(8) Foreign legal person A Share 488,212,807 2,742,056,062 0.77 None
China Securities Finance Co., Ltd. State-owned legal person A Share - 2,416,131,540 0.68 None
Central Huijin Asset Management Co., Ltd. State-owned legal person A Share - 1,013,921,700 0.28 None
ICBC — SSE 50 Exchange Traded Securities Investment Funds(9) Other entities A Share 135,305,700 562,564,895 0.16 None
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China — Huatai-PB CSI 300 ETF(10) Other entities A Share 151,970,900 413,745,957 0.12 None
China Construction Bank Corporation — E Fund HS 300 ETF(11) Other entities A Share 177,505,100 275,529,025 0.08 None

Notes: (1) The above data are based on the Bank’s register of shareholders as at 30 June 2024.
(2) The Bank had no shares subject to restrictions on sales.
(3) HKSCC Nominees Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited. Central Huijin Asset Management Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Huijin. Save as disclosed above, the Bank is not aware of any connected relations or acting-in-concert relations among the aforementioned shareholders.
(4) Except to the extent unknown to HKSCC Nominees Limited, the top 10 shareholders of the Bank did not participate in any margin trading, short selling or refinancing business.
(5) According to the Bank’s Announcement in Relation to Increase in Shareholding of the Bank by Its Controlling Shareholder published by the Bank dated 11 October 2023, Huijin intended to continue to increase, in its own capacity, its shareholding in the Bank by acquiring shares of the Bank in the secondary market within the next six months commencing from the date of the increase in shareholding. As at 30 June 2024, Huijin cumulatively increased its holding of 286,807,989 A shares of the Bank through the trading system of SSE, accounting for approximately 0.08% of the Bank’s total share capital.
(6) The number of shares held by HKSCC Nominees Limited at the end of the period refers to the total number of H shares held by it as a nominee on behalf of all institutional and individual investors registered with accounts opened with HKSCC Nominees Limited as at 30 June 2024, which included H shares of the Bank held by SSF and Ping An Asset Management Co., Ltd.
(7) According to the Notice on Comprehensively Transferring Part of State-Owned Capital to Fortify Social Security Funds (Cai Zi [2019] No. 49), MOF transferred 12,331,645,186 A shares to the state-owned capital transfer account of SSF in a lump sum in December 2019. According to the relevant requirements under the Notice of the State Council on Issuing the Implementation Plan for Transferring Part of State-Owned Capital to Fortify Social Security Funds (Guo Fa [2017] No. 49), SSF shall perform the obligation of more than 3-year lock-up period as of the date of the receipt of transferred shares. At the end of the reporting period, according to the information provided by SSF to the Bank, SSF also held 6,768,316,181 H shares of the Bank and 19,099,961,367 A and H shares in aggregate, accounting for 5.36% of the Bank’s total ordinary shares.
(8) The number of shares held by Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited at the end of the period refers to the total A shares (Northbound shares of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect) held by it as a nominal holder designated by and on behalf of Hong Kong and foreign investors as at 30 June 2024.
(9) “ICBC — SSE 50 Exchange Traded Securities Investment Funds” are securities investment funds raised as approved by CSRC Zheng Jian Ji Jin Zi [2004] No. 196 Document dated 22 November 2004, with China Asset Management Co., Ltd. as the fund manager and ICBC as fund custodian.
(10) The “Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited — Huatai-PB CSI 300 ETF” is a securities investment fund approved by CSRC in CSRC Document [2012] No. 392 dated 23 March 2012. Huatai-PineBridge Fund Management Co., Ltd. acts as the fund manager and ICBC acts as the fund custodian.
(11) The “China Construction Bank Corporation — E Fund HS 300 ETF” is a securities investment fund approved by CSRC in CSRC Document [2012] No. 1762. E Fund Management Co., Ltd. acts as the fund manager and China Construction Bank acts as the fund custodian.